Monday, February 16, 2015


Rescued by Tracy L. Higley

Summary: A short allegory about our walk through life and the trails we meet, as well as the joys given us.

My mum told me about this one, and I love allegories so I picked it up. This is one of the short stories I've been having a little trouble reviewing. It was very straight forward, with hidden meanings which can only be picked up while reading. (At least that's the best way to pick them up.) So I will do a simpler kind of review.

Plot: The plot flowed together very well. As I said, it was a basic kind of plot, even for an allegory. A girl travels through life with the Knight and fellow companions. She fights battles, and learns many lessons along the way. It was the lessons which added depth to the story, they were well woven in and packed with meaning.

Writing: The story was easy to read. Enjoyable, and had a nice flow to it. It made me want to read more of this Author's books.

Characters: The characters almost didn't feel like characters but real life human beings. It brought the story to life and made it more meaningful.

Over all I enjoyed it and would recommend it. It made for an easy, delightful Sunday night book.

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